THOSE WHO HAVE A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART my sisters my mummy kak wa he who still have a special place in my heart best friend kak wani

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


i washed my blankets,bed sheets and pillow cases on sunday night..i also sent out my pillow under the sun to kill off the bacterias and to make it smell amazing.. (^_^)
my 'young housewife' mood was really at a peak...
but later on,..
sedih malam2 xda bed sheet and i cant use my pillow and blanket as well..Its warm during the day time but is not hot enough to completely dry i slept on the floor and having backache next morning which is monday T_T
is there anybody else who cannot survive without her favourite pillow and blanket other than me?
hehe..actually i dont know since when i adopted this behaviour but since i was still a kid,i used to have my own blanket and pillow which my other siblings cant use it since it is mine..hihi
I love hugging my,actually i love to hug something while im sleeping =_=' anywhere i go i will make sure i have atleast two pillows with me so that i can sleep on it and hug another one..but now i have six pillows in my bedroom..because i love pillows so much..hehe..tapi waktu pergi camping,since i cant bring along my pillow,so i will not sleep on my bag like others did but i'l rather hug the bag and lay down without anything to replace my pillow..i'l do the same when i only have one pillow with me..i will rather hug my pillow than sleeping on it..
I love blankets and i passionately in love with comforter..I think life will be great with awesome blankets and pillows...They are always there during moody days..i'l hug my pillow and inside the blanket and cry...sobs sobs sobs..
Other than pushing and kicking people while im sleeping i also have another bad sleeping attitude that only my relatives,siblings,roomates and friends knw ..haha.tidur xdiam tu dulu.tapi dah besar dah x tidur mcmtu dah =_=' kecik2 dulu je...sekarang dah kurang...but another attitude sampai skrg tak kurang is the attitude of hugging people who sleep beside me.i never did that on purpose,xtahu pun.i knw it bcs they will tel me later in the morning that I have actually hugged them .hahaha..because of ths one attitude my sister will put a barrier (one pillow) between us two while we were sleeping on the same cousin will do the same but only kak wani allows me to accidentally hug her when im sleeping..hehe..kak wani loves me.. :') selalu teman tidur..waktu zaman belajar time cuti sem kak wani selalu dtg rumah..she slept in my room.tiap2 malam berborak sebelum tidur and kebiasaannya kite akn bgun lambat nk pergi sekolah  the next day..grrr...memories :')
Last semester i have one good junior whose room is infront of mine..Izzah suka lepak and tidur bilik kak aie sbb my roomate like to stay up every night.they both will teman each other.kadang2 x sedar pun tiba2 izzah ada dekat sebelah..Bukti Kurus..kikiki eventhough our bed is not that big but two people can still sleep on the same small bed..hehe..since the first day she slept on my bed i always save a space for her every night..tapi since that day roomate suka tangkap gmbr curi2..and panggil kami lesbian..because i will always bagun tidur and sedar yg i hugged her the whole night..lawak gila..hehe..and pillow entah kemana..maybe memang dah naturally suka tidur hugging things dari kecik that attitude stays with me until now..I think, i feel safe when someone is around..and when i miss someone i'l also hug my pillow..when im sad i will always want my best people to hug me so that i feel warm and calm...shima always did that to me..she is a real friend when chubby or kak wani are not around...and shima wouldnt mind if i sleep and hug her .. haha..i hope my future husband wouldnt mind this as well..i wanna sleep in his arms every night,lay my head on his chest deeply breathing in the scent of him..yeayyy..okay nak selit jugak tu..hihi...okay bye... another stupid sleeping atitude is ,kalau time stress i wil always mengingau..haha..ckp merepek2 n scared everyone around..paling teruk i wil wake up,talk to them n continue to sleep back..haha..

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Alhamdullilah,thanks IBU ABAH, DOUBLE H,FRIENDS

Alhamdullilah,thnks to Allah

Hari jumaat lepas diadakan majlis anugerah dekan..rasa seronok sgt sebab walaupun mendapat anugerah dekan tu dah nampak biasa dekat sesetengah org tapi fakulti tetap meraikan kejayaan pelajar2 and bagi semangat untuk terus mengekalkan and meningkatkn prestasi..ecewah apesal ayat sy skema eh?ouh sebab saya bajet tgh bercakap dlm tv..haha

mula2 rasa sedih sikit lah..haha..sebab biasalah duduk dlm kalangan org2 pandai2 dalam dewan terasa kerdil je..walaupun pointer jatuh sikit tapi bersyukur Allah still bagi rezeki nk dapat dekan..bersyukur apa dapat..we know that i wasnt easy to get it..kita sendiri tahu usaha masing2.. :') 

bila teringat anugerah sem lepas rasa seronok sebab xsangka dapat anugerah pelajar terbaik untuk batch..haha.padahal pointer biasa2 je nk dibandingkan dengan batch lain.tapi still syukur sgt2 .bagusnya fakulti buat anugerah mcmtu buat student semangat nak bersaing..bersaing untuk benda baik xpa..tapi sem ni org lain pula dpt.ila dapat since she got 4 happy for her..walaupun sedih lah jugak sebab xdpt..haha
tapi xsangka ada Allah tu maha pemurah and sgt sayangkn hamba dia :'( sedih sgt2..actually x expect pon benda ni..keputusan keluar tahu grade je xtahu pun markah sebenarnya..tapi im very grateful for the 2 extra awards..terharu and terkejut and malu..haha..naik stage pun kelam kabut and gelabah sebab terkejut..
Thank you madam naimah zaini and sir OZ for teaching me costing and AIS..rasa terharu sgt2..dlm byk2 pelajar Allah pilih untuk dapat anugerah tu..siapa yg tak seronok.dpt 2 sijil and 2 hadiah extra.hadiah buku motivasi..syukur sgt..and terima kasih kat adik2 yg duk wish congrats tu.sebenarnya malu sgt :3 sbb atas stage ketua fakulti yg bgi hadiah tu suruh everyone gave me a big clap..siap ckp she go for the best,she scored two papers..Ya Allah time tu rasa malu sgt..thank you Allah thank you for everything..walaupun sebenarnya ramai lgi yg bagus..mungkin rezeki..yg paling happy senior yg selalu tolong ajar tu..she got the same anugerah.dpt dua jugak untuk subject TAX and MAF..tapi mmg shes a brilliant student pon...every semester dapat anugerah mcmtu.. tahniah farah..thnk you for teaching me too..

lepas hadiri majlis tu rasa berkobar2 nk teruskan perjuangan dalam pelajaran,walaupun agak sedikit lmbt dari kwn2 tapi saya x kan putus asa..InsyAllah rezeki Allah tu luas,sikit atau banyak yg rezeki Allah nak bagi,saya terima dgn rasa syukur.. :') chaiyo2 

last but not least,nk ckp thanks dkt kwn2 yg sudi ajar sem lps,ada senior2 yg ajar sikit..and nak thanks kat HASSANEI HEYKAL sebab last sem punya final sgt semnagat sebab ada awak..saya sgt happy sebab last sem time tgh final pun jumpa awk..awk selalu bgi semangat n sumber inspirasi kat saya..walaupun skrg awk dah xada..saya rasa agak kehilangan and sunyi..tapi terima kasih sbb pernah buat sy semangat untuk doakan awk sentiasa berjaya and dapat apa yg awk nak,dpt placement intern cepat2..i know one day u will be a very good engineer..xmustahil pon nk kerja dekat mycaterhamF1 tu..saya tgk awk semangat sgt skrg..InsyAllah one day your wishes will be akan doakan awk..

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Blake Shelton - Who Are You When I'm Not Looking (Official Video)

i find this quite a special song..because the man is wondering how his woman behaves when he is not around ....sweet

post ala2 org dewasa sikit. blushing**

okay today i wanna talk about many of you melt if u see a very cute baby giving their first grin at you?hehe,its too adorable to resist kan?so here are some photos of my anak buah (as in) anak my cousins.. sgt seronok sebenarnya bila dah berumah tangga and dikurniakan zuriat sbb anak2 pengikat kasih syg ibu bapa..Walaupun kedua2 suami isteri tu belum cukup ilmu keibu bapaan tapi bila sama2 belajar and membesarkan anak sama2 itu adalah pengalaman paling manis buat suami isteri..hihi..melting okayy tgk lelaki muda walaupun yang belum kawin dukung budak kecik..omaigoddd what a lovely and caring guy he is..ecewahh.. tapi ada jugak pasangan yg x dikurnikan rezeki cahaya mata..sedih kn..tapi tu mungkin ujian dari Allah.supaya manusia bersabar dan tak putus asa dengaNya.Jgn berhenti berdoa.Cepat atau lambat Allah pasti akan mengabulkn doa kita asalkan kita ikhlas dan betul2 berharap dgnNya..Anak merupakan saham dan aset buat ibubapa.Tambah2 anak yg soleh.

 'berdoalah kepadaku,nescaya akan aku perkenankan bagimu.Sesungguhnya orang-orang yg menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-ku akan masuk neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina-dina' (Al -mu'minun : 60 ) so apalagi,cepat2 berdoa dgn Allah and minta supaya doa kita diperkenankan..

okay doa apa yg boleh dibaca untuk mendapatkn zuriat ialah doa dari surah al anbiya ayat 89 : Dan ingatlah kisah Zakaria, tatkala menyeru TuhanNya: “ Ya Tuhanku, Janganlah engkau membiarkan aku hidup seorang diri (tidak mempunyai zuriat keturunan) dan Engkaulah waris yang paling baik (diserahkan segala urusan kepadaMu)(al-anbiya 89) 

amalkan lah doa ni selalu insyAllah nanti Allah bagi lah cousin dulu pun 5 tahun kawin x dapat anak..memang boleh nampak yg dua2 suami isteri tu mcm sunyi and selalu gaduh and bila ada campur tangan pihak keluarga hampir nak bercerai deorg.sedih sgt..Tapi Alhamdullilah lps 5 tahun allah bagi baby yg sgt comel dkt deorg..Mohammad aidan..comel sgt2..berkat kesabaran..skrg ni tgk deorg happy sgt..hihi

 okay haha cousin2 yg dah kawin selalu pesan kat kami adik2 yg masih kecik2 ni..dah besar2 ni jaga diri elok2..jgn bagi jatuh la apa la..jgn lasak sgt..sebab org perempuan makin besar makin byk sakit dia.haha.mula2 buat x endah pun tapi bila fikir balik,yela takut jugak.nanti susah nak mengandung =_= haha yg lagi merepek2 bila makcik2 semua sibuk nak bagi tips malam pertama dkt bakal2 cousin yg nak kawin..haih la yg masih muda2 ni mula lah nk tergedik2 dgr sekali.konon curious lah..gedik je lebih..lepastu bila dah kena perli tahu pulak malu2 time2 tu lah nak lari...hahaha..xpa dah 20 an dah,infact ade je kwn2 sebaya yg dah kawin (back up diri sendiri) im just sharing dgn kwn2 yg bakal berkahwin and dah berkahwin..hihi what my makcik said kalau nak bakal zuriat yg baik bacalah doa ni..lagi elok kalau lepas majlis buat solat sunat sama2 dulu.and suami kena baca doa.hihi rilex2 jgn gelojoh sgt.. =_='

 'Dengan nama Allah yg maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang.Wahai Tuhanku!jauhilah kami dari syaitan dan jauhkan syaitan dari apa yg engkau kurniakan kepada kami'

 doa ni penting tau supaya benih yg terpilih tu jenis yg terbaik.Bila keluar anak jdilah handsome,cantik and perangai pun baik2.dilindungi Allah dari ganguan syaitan..InsyAllah.. kalau dah dapat zuriat tu bersyukur lah sama ada lelaki ke prempuan.setengah pasangan tu bila mengharap sgt nak dapat anak jantina tertentu,bila xdpt selalu kecewa and selalu menyalahkan pihak perempuan T_T

sebenrnya yg menentukn jantina lelaki atau perempuan adalah sperma lelaki.ini hukum biologi yg kite semua pernah belajar,sebab sperma lelaki lah yg membawa faktor Y atau X. dalam Al quran sendiri pernah menyebut tentang faktor yg menentukn jantina lelaki dan perempuan Ia ditentukn sewaktu benih (sperma) dipancarkn..

 'dan dialah yang menciptakan pasangan-pasangan lelaki dan perempuan (jantan dan betina) daripada nutfah (benih) sewaktu ianya dipancarkn.' (surah an-Najmm 53:45-46) 

 haha,ada benda menarik nk di kongsi kat sini,since we are talking about baby i would want to share with you about something which i heard from a friend of mine..there are some parents who sponsored honeymoon ticket from their children..kenapa? haha because they wanted to get their cucu as soon as possible..and tempat honeymoon yg dipilih tu tempat peranginan tmpt sejuk..since it is cold,both spouses will stay in their room more than spending their time visiting the places around..and the funnier thing is they (the parents) even provide their children (woman) or their daughter in law with few night gowns just for the honeymoon purpose which they will put it together in their bag without them knowing haha..and one of the most popular place they will really suggest or sponsored for the honeymoon is Banjaran Alps di Mont Blanc,switzerland.because its really cold there :3 tapi kn seronoknyaa pergi tmpt2 menarik..estonia,tahiti or any other famous places =_=' hahaha..the elders will do anything,whichever most effective just to fufil their own interest and also for the happiness of their children..

 There are some people who learnt something from other races too.The French used to say, no matter how close we are with our husband always and always spare something as a secret..Lumrah lelaki suka megejar dan sukakan cabaran.. when you are living together after married,dont always wear nothing infront of him.Kalau selalu tunjuk semua he wil get immune =_=' but when u hide some part and show some part it will invite him to figure out more..huhu it is like creating some spark in his subconcious mind.. have you ever heard about the word french flatter?it is how the french woman tackle their husband..but if u live in England with the Brits,it is called boorish its lucky if u you study in overseas and mix around with any people of different races..there is something u can learn as long as it is within the syariah.. (^_^)V

 most man said, if u wanted to adpot a behaviour like a wife,be like a french wife in bedroom,like the japanese woman treat her husband at home,and practise what real malay woman do outside the house..but never follow the american woman..eventho they are friendly but they are agressive,rude and social..The brits woman is quite shy and polite..but i still think what malay women does is even better..we are malay.we are gracefull and we are like the real malay woman.. :) okay enough with all these telling u this because it is something quite interesting and has to be shared with my other female friends and my cousins ofcourse..

 herm harini valentine day..mesti ramai gadis2 kat luar sana terkorban jadi mangsa lelaki2 yg tak bertanggungjawab..sedihnya,sexual intercourse is haram if you and your couple is not married,but if a married couple do it,God count it as an ibadah.You got merit from doing that action with your wife.Sex is not bad in God's eyes,it is not taboo,but it is bad when you do it with wrong people.someone who is not your wife..i have few friends yg buat mistake ni..kdg2 sedih tgk.belajar pandai2 tapi sanggup mensia2 kan maruah diri mcmtu..kalau betul lelaki tu syg ajak lah kawin..marry her..

 perempuan jagalah kehormatanmu hanya buat suamimu..jika kau hilang kehormatamu.tiada lagi yg berharga pada dirimu..ya kita semua masih muda ada nafsu..but Allah has already give a prescription on how to protect ourselves,the thkir (zikir) the remembrance of Allah this will provide a layer of protection to our heart..Pray to Allah that he will guide you true his beautiful religion and allow u to submit faithful to him..mungkin dulu kita lain tapi from time to time perlu lah ada perubahan..perlulah semakin matang..InsyAllah.. baca lah doa ni sebelum keluar rumah

 "Ya Allah,sekiranya engkau mengetahui bahawa aku beriman denganmu dan rasulmu,dan aku memelihara kehormatanku hanya untuk suamiku maka janganlah biarkan aku menjadi mangsa orang kafir dan org yg zalim"

Monday, February 4, 2013


okay i miss my home..i miss my small room, i miss my bed..rinduu bau pandan..hehe.penat kutip pandan byk2 letak dlm bilik..bau yg sgt segar and semula jadi..serious..where do i get this idea? waktu kak wani kawin dulu..bilik pengantin bau pandan..wangi sangat2.sebab dia dah sebati dlm air cond sejuk..berhari2 bau bilik pengantin tu wangi..tak hilang2..rasa mcm nak tidur je dlm bilik balik baru2 ni i tried to put few pandan leaves inside my room..memang best.. T_T rindunyaa..rasa mcm pengantin baru je tapi husband nya tak ada.haha..okay nanti siapa2 yg nak bilik bau segar and wangi letak lah pandan..mesti suka..rasa nk tidurr je..kalau yg dah berkahwin tu mesti husband korang sukaa...penat2 balik kerja tapi masuk bilik rasa mcm woww what a relief!...nak rehat sepuas-puasnya..hehe okay,xpa im going back this friday..habis tertinggal shampoo and face cleanser kat rumah..nasib baik 5 hari je lagi nak duduk sini..kesian rambut kena pakai shampoo lain..huhu.okay my hair is growing too fast..dah cecah pinggang =_= i think i have to cut it short tapi sayang pulak..each time pergi cuci muka pagi2 selalu renung cermin lama2 and ckp dlm hati..wahh dah besar dah aku..rambut dah panjang.dulu kecik2 rambut pendek je.hehe..dgn rambut panjang ni rasa lah mcm perempuan sikit..rasa mcm ayu pun ada.hahaha.okay masuk bakul angkt sendiri.. (^_^)v tapi honestly ,memang pun my long hair makes me look so perempuan.. okay bye

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Things that i want to do with my future spouse ;P

What should i write for this post?hehe..actually saya sgt bosan..well next class will be at 4 15.nak keluar jalan2 pon mcm tak patut plus transport pon xada.haha..but its okay i should stay at my campus more since it is already my final year..pejam celik pejam celik im gonna finish my diploma really soon and akan tinggalkan campus..hehe xdela soon sgt tapi insyAllah october tahun ni.then i will proceed my degree somewhere else since our faculty is going to move to other uitm sad..i really like it here,walaupun xsuka environment dia yg bosan but its really near with my house and utp is just next to us..ada jugak la jiran universiti and mestilah developer nak bagunkn tempat ni lg.sobs sobs.. okay..i want to talk about my dreams since my previous entries sgt lah sedih..huhu..kesian blog..berhujan air mata selalu..hihi...okay lately saya rasa mcm in love sgt with CAMBODIA..i dont know why maybe sebab buku novel I LOVE YOU STUPID kot..walaupun kemboja negara yg x berapa megah sgt tapi Cambodia still has few interesting places to go..and ofcourse im gonna be there someday with my beloved people!huhu..tapi siapa? (=_=)' haha leave it here..saya sendiri pon will be answered in few more years..jengjengjeng..but ofcourse lah kita semua ada impian nak end up marrying someone that we love and go on a vacation together..i mean vacationssss..hehe.. okay this is a photo of my sister and her husband
dont they look sweet together?this photo was taken when they were on their way back to semenanjung..biasalah org duduk jauh2 ni..hihi..seronoknya...kalau dapat pergi somewhere with our beloved ones!huhu..hello future spouse!Lets wear shades together..and take as many photos as possible.mesti comel kan.. take me to any places that you like as long as i am with you i am always in the right place.. ecewah,mcm lagu pulak.. Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand before I'm old Show me what love is - haven't got a clue Show me that wonders can be true take me to your heart by michael learns to rock..hehe iklan sebentar.. (^_^)V okay sy nak start cerita tentang cambodia..okay there is one place yg sy teringin nak pergi ,the place is pantai otres..pantai yang paling tercantik dkt cambodia yg terletak di selatan..yieyyyyyyy okay apa yg special yg pasal pantai ni?haha sebenarnya tak kisah pun pantai apa,asalkan pantai atau pulau,then for me it shall be okay..saya sukaaaa pantai.suka pasir2 putih suka karang2 laut suka bila matahari terbenam tapi xsuka bila kata pantai belah2 sabah pon cantik...nanti boleh lah pergi melawat kak wawa kite then pergi berkelah2 dkt pantai sana..hahaha
.. okay sekarang ni sy tengah berangan ada dekat pantai otres.. bau air masin,deru angin kencang,bunyi ombak dan pemandangan yang sgt memukau.. seronoknya,nanti boleh ajak husband main dekat gigi air..and cuba tangkap buih2 seperti sabun yg terhasil dari hempasan ombak ke tepi pantai..lepas tu boleh main kejar2 and tolak2 dan kabooommmm dushhh masuk dlm air..mestilah yg terjatuh tu husband..hihihi..kesianya dia..rambut dah basah and jatuh ke bawah habis semua gel2 rambut..haha..okay main2 je..xsampai hati nak tolak husband sendiri..kalau nak tolak jugak biarlah tolak sama2. biar dua2 jatuh then lepastu boleh lah mandi dan berangan konon2nya kamilah pasangan duyung yang tercantik dan terhandsome di seantero cambodia..hahaha
okay kita cerita tentang tempat menginap di pantai otres..dekat kawasan tepi pantai otress ada beberapa buah khemah besar yang berwarna coklat cair dijadikan tempat penginapan. bukan resort ye..dari luar nampak buruk tapi bila dah bukak zip khemah ..taraaaaa kita akn terpegun bila tgk susun atur dalam khemah..berkarpet penuh warna merah dan katil bersaiz king putih..ehh sukanyaaa..haha saya suka warna putih..kalau boleh nak cadar warna putih,curtain warna putih and boleh taburkan kelopak mawar merah ats katil..okayy..serious best..nanti bilik tidur nak buat mcmtu..tapi tapi..putih kan cepat kotor..huhuhu.. okay sambung balik mengenai kawasan dalam khemah..ada katil putih yg empuk dan gebu yang ditabur kelopak mawar berbentuk hati..dan aroma wangian ros akan memenuhi setiap ruang..haha ofcourse lah ni set bulan madu..hahaha.. okay bilik air dia pula kat luar bersebelahan dengan khemah tapi saiz dia agak kecik dari khemah tadi.jazkuzi dan bath tub dalam khemah tu berlantaikan marmar bewarna hijau pekat dan mempunyai suluhan lampu yg sgt cantik dan romantik,dengan cermin2 besar,singki and tabletop..walaupun tak de sliding door kaca tapi ada bidai kayu yang berukir cantik kayu jati motif bunga kemboja(bunga negara cambodia tu sendiri) yang menutup ruang jakuzi,bath tub dan tandas. seronok kan..kat luar mcm khemah usang tapi dalam dia mcm 5 stars...hehe..dia berkonsep moden dan kombinasi tropika.bau wangi bunga ros and kelopak dia ditabur disekitar bilik air dalam bath tub dan juga jakuzi.. lagi best kalau ada tempat berspa...pamper diri sendiri..normally tempat berspa akan ada mcm2 we can choose our massage oil..bestnya..massage and we fell asleep..dah la ada slow backgorund relaxing..tapiii...mana boleh,kalau saya boleh la,i wont allowed my husband pergi massage.NO WAYY.haha.memang tak lah..i can do it for him..infact i love doing massage to the people i love..dulu cousin kite suka suruh massage dia =_= and dlu i owned many types of massage oil..even dekat sekolah pon kwn2 selalu ckp nak pergi spa aie,which is my dorm =_= haha.merepek i can do it for other woman can touch my ma,if there is,memang kena watchaaaaa!! hahaha
okay habis dah cerita pasal tempat penginapan..malam2 boleh lah anda jalan2 dgn husband..menghirup udara segar tepi pantai..kalau datang ramai2 boleh ber bbq..buat daging bakar ke ikar bakar ke.apa2 lah..okay lepastu boleh suruh husband tolong cubitkan isi ikan..malas nak amik sendiri..time ni lah boleh mengada-ngada,buli2 sikit..ehh awak nak tuu...nak nii..yg tuu,yg ni..haha.okay tipu not that fussy :)tapi kalau ber bbq lagi ramai lagi best kann..tapi,xromantik lahh..haha..okay pergi jalan2 dgn husband dulu nanti sekali sekala baru jalan2 ramai2..hihihi.. seronoknya jalan2 tepi pantai..sambil lipat kaki seluar separas lutut.main2 dengan pasir pantai.okay tipu..mcm lah husband nak bagi lipat kaki seluar kat tengah2 orang.haha..lepastu nanti boleh naik jet ski...yehuuuuuuuu..mestilah membonceng =_='harapan lah dia nak bagi kita yg bawak..tapi tak pa saya akan bonceng belakang dan kami akn membelah ombak laut sama2.ketawa sama2.jerit sama2 serentak dengan lambungan ombak dan jet ski sambil2 tu boleh la tgkmatahari terbenam.matahari yang cuba menyembunyikan dirinya.bertukar warna.kejap2 kekuningan kejap2 merah jingga.merah pekat dan akhirnya kelabu..wuwuw... T_T bestnyaaa tengok matahari terbenam dgn org yang paling disayangi....berangan je boleh sekarang.haha..
tak sangka kan kemboja ada laut yang begitu cantik.kalau dibangunkan betul2 mesti phuket pon kalah.Sihanoukville mempunyai tujuh buah pantai peranginan yg mempesonakan.Pantai occheuteal,Serendipity,Victory,Hawaii,Indeoendence sokha dan panati otres..pantai yg sgt cantik halus memutih..takpe kn sekali sekali kita pergi jalan jauh2..kita kerja keras..betul2,once in a while kita pamper kn diri kita pergi vacation :) tempat2 peranginan di dalam malaysia pun apa kurangnya...banyak tempat menarik yg kita boleh pergi..cuma kali ini saja je nk cerita tentang kemboja/ so in love with it ever since baca buku ilus and my father pon baru balik dri kemboja awal bulan satu..mcm seronok precious,sudi kah awak go on a vacation with me? :) i'l wait for the answer..whoever u might be..i always hope u and me are going to create many memorable memories together..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy new year everyone :)

okay,i dont have much thing to talk just gonna wish everyone and myself a happy new year ..2012 has been so great walaupun ada kisah2 sedih along the year..but its okay,im grateful enough as im still alive and keep progressing..Alhamdullilah.Thank you Allah for everything u have given to me.i love u so much Ya Allah.. i havent had the chance to wish everyone a happy new year on facebook and twitter because im still sad with what had happened to me during the late months of 2012.its really sad to open my twitter and and facebook again.i find it very hard to go through my grieving phase,so what im trying to do now is,to lower my gaze and avoid talking unnecesarilly...but its gonna be temporary i guess. its true,i still miss him,but its okay..we all know its really hard to just simply forget someone who is so dear to our im not trying at just keep progressing with all that i have and leave everything to Allah..Everytime i feel weakened i will just remind myself of Allah's patience because i know Allah has decided for me the best and i'll pray harder for peace in my heart..InsyAllah..if Hassanei is better off without me,then he shall be okay..i really love this person,so i just want the best for him,just wanna let him go and be happy,even it is not with me.i cant never stop loving him so i can just place that love in stored away place in my heart,where i dont allow it to control me anymore.then i'l find peace in this way..i hope Allah grant me strength to do this..He is the only one that can give me the courage.. Im also very thankful to Allah for his blessing..Allah sent me amazing people when im going trough hard times.One of the beautiful things in life is having a great friends..Izyan and chubby they have been so good to me and im really touched.i dont know how to tell my feeling,but Im really thankful to have a constant support from them.we have gotten closer each day..thank you very much for always being here with me.2012 has been a very challenging year,but Alhamdullilah i passed it and currently moving to this brand new year 2013..i would like to thank hassanei too,because in 2012 and few years back he had also been a very good companian for me..Although we cant be together again,im still grateful for the great times we've shared together.Though i lost some people along the way,im still grateful to have a people that stepped in and out of my life,they made my life so complete and i gain so much experiences from them..Thank you Allah,thank you for everything.. lastly i would to tell this to my friends, if u have found the perfect and wonderful guy in your life,All i would wish is u can make it a real amazing one..take care of your relationship,be good to each other,be faithful and tolerate with each other and follow the islamic way.InsyAllah when u do everything in Islamic way everything will be fine..we may forget sometimes,but always remind each other about it..InsyAllah,u have been together,do not break the relationship and pray that it will be till marriage life..keep it halal.Allah will bless u with the happiest relationship :) long way to go...but remmember,if that person motivated u towards being a good muslim,then InsyAllah that person is your spouse and is the best for you..we made mistakes,big or small,Allah will alwys forgive us.He is merciful. for my friends with broken heart,dont worry,if u are fated to be with him,one day he will be yours.and when u have them bck,then take care of your relationship well.Allah wont make it easy for you,you will be tested untill u love him above all others..or maybe he has better planned for u..its easy said than done right?i know its hard but keep convincing yourself,many people is in the same boat as yours but they keep progressing and rising..InsyAllah..look back in the mirror and remind yourself of the awesome woman,full of love.....appreciate yourself and pray harder... 2012 images :)